Glastry Farm Ice Cream Ltd.

Glastry farm has been proudly supplying its growing customer base with its ever-increasing range of luxury dairy based ice cream as well as offering lower sugar vegan sorbets to match their customers’ requirements.
Fifth generation farmer Will and his family started producing ice cream in 2007 as they could see a niche market where there are customers seeking something different and special to enjoy at home straight out of the freezer. Will enlisted his son Gareth with his pedigree dairy herd of cattle to combine high quality natural ingredients with farm fresh milk, and this winning formula has not changed since its inception as the site is completely vegetarian as well as proudly egg and nut free to cater for as many people in Northern Ireland as possible.
More recently a new range of lesser sugar vegan sorbets have been masterfully created. These flavours cater for the many customers who have frequently enjoyed their ice cream, but have asked Will for something that’s just as enjoyable to eat and environmentally friendly. Their continuous focus on detail to match there ever changing customer requirements have been most recently rewarded with a double gold award for their raspberry ruffle sorbet by Blas na hEireann Irish food awards 2019, this award comes on top of their Double Great taste award for their Ling heather honey ice cream that was described by the judges as “just the right amount of sweetness and quality, WOW this is super-duper ice cream”! at the 2015 Great Taste Awards.
What They Do
Over 30 variations of Luxury Dairy ice cream and vegan sorbets
Check out the 30+ range on their website at
UK Great taste awards gold stars on 18 separate occasions, most recently for their incredibly popular Yellowman Honeycomb Ice cream 2017. Blas na heireann Irish food award Gold 2015 and 2016 for their Blackcurrant Sorbet and Apple schnapps sorbet. Blas na hEireann Irish food award Double gold for their Raspberry Ruffle Sorbet 2019. Heathrow Airport World of Opportunity programme winner Northern Ireland 2017. Blas na hEireann 2020- Bronze for their pear sorbet Blas nah Eireann 2024 -Silver for Mango and Passionfruit Sorbet,
Where To Buy
Available in many locally owned stores and restaurants along with a number of high class farm shops and Cafés across Northern Ireland. Full retailer list on website