
Little Treats NI

We’re all baking crazy these days, but sometimes our own efforts can fall a little flat, so it’s great to be able to buy some gifted person’s home-made creations. Enter Little Treats NI, which by the way, has some of the cutest packaging we have ever seen.

They do made to order cake pops (we love the Minnie Mouse ones) and wait for it – cake in a jar! Surely not? But clever Barbara-Anne and Ruth can even do Red Velvet and Chocolate Malteser versions. In their world, cookies are stuffed with Crunchies, Oreos and Rolos, don’t you just want to eat one right now? Let’s not forget the cupcakes, though. The fl ump ones fl oat our boat. And at just £6 for a box of five, we’ll take 2. Sod the diet.

They also make gluten free rhubarb crumbles, brownies and caramel squares. Is there nothing these girls can’t do?