
Hollah Preserving

Trudy Hodkinson and Paula Latuske have combined their talents and surnames to create Hollah Preserving – a hip and quirky brand of relishes and sauces with a retro vibe.

Hollah was born to preserve the sanity of Trudy and Paula,who had stepped off the corporate train, staying at home to raise their children.  Both independently minded the Hollah girls dare to add ingredients and their signature chilli kick to produce flavours away from the mainstream.  Hollah has given the traditional condiment a hipster spin, this relish will rock you!

Hollah wants to challenge your taste buds and invites you to join the banter on Facebook and Twitter.  Go on rediscover your inner rock god/goddess – laugh, love life, eat Hollah!
Preserving Food, Preserving Friendships and Preserving Sanity!